Dr. Phil on Anorexia and Eating Disorders, Shaming and Blaming

Dr. Phil on Anorexia and Eating Disorders, Shaming and Blaming

Dr. Phil on Anorexia, shame on him for mistreating her I just watched Dr. Phil on eating disorders after seeing a commercial about the episode today about a woman with anorexia. Never watching Dr. Phil or any talk shows for years and years I stumbled across that...

Finally, a Pastor talking very boldly about Mental Illness

Sadie Robertson posted this.. who I just adore, but I was naturally scared of, which way it would go. Still very anxious to listen. So I grabbed my coffee and sat in my seat waiting for it to go bad real quick. As this topic usually goes bad real fast. As I kept...

Christians and Mental Illness

Some things to think about .. It’s not good when a mental health advocate and Christian takes his life.. It’s beyond heart breaking and trouble some. They know everything there is to know about Gods love, hope and refuge in him and they still can fall. The space...