Is Mental Illness Real? Or is it a bunch of babies that don’t know how to cope with problems and depend on therapy? That’s essentially what I read today from a well known person. This is familiar to me, reminding me of other things I’ve read along these lines in the...
Mental health is one of the most widely discussed topics in media today, with a broad range of conversations from stigmas to treatments. Unfortunately, media depictions or portrayals of mental illness often rely on stereotypes that mischaracterize and misunderstand...
Dr. Phil on Anorexia, shame on him for mistreating her I just watched Dr. Phil on eating disorders after seeing a commercial about the episode today about a woman with anorexia. Never watching Dr. Phil or any talk shows for years and years I stumbled across that...
Recent Posts: Katy Perry Smile Lyrics have 12+ Similarities to My Song! Filing a Lawsuit! Katy Perry’s song “Smile” vs Mine “Upgraded 2.0” Something needs to be said about the reaction to Halsey posting a picture of her eating disorder. After her fans asked her...
This is a hard post to write as it’s very detailed to call attention to what an eating disorder really is. An eating disorder is not what Taylor Swift portrays in her documentary where she says she wouldn’t eat to look better in her dresses, along with other media...