Britney Spears Manic Episode is in the news, regarding what may have happened with her at a restaurant the other day. First off, just because she has bipolar does not mean that everything she does is manic or shes having a manic episode. Does it even matter if Britney...
Understand What Mental Illness Stigma Is Mental illness stigma refers to the shame, fear and discrimination still experienced by people living with mental health conditions. It results in negative consequences ranging from social exclusion to healthcare inequity. Here...
Influencers Mis-Leveraging Mental Health Topic There is a CNBC article, Depression as a marketing tool? When influencers get the mental health conversation wrong, which points out a big problem that a lot of people do concerning depression. Some act as if all...
#worldmentalhealthday Mental illness is not a personal failure.. disease and the personality Jesus gave you are two different things. Know the difference and know mental illness is not what the world portrays.. evil in peoples heart is what does horrible things.....
Mental health is one of the most widely discussed topics in media today, with a broad range of conversations from stigmas to treatments. Unfortunately, media depictions or portrayals of mental illness often rely on stereotypes that mischaracterize and misunderstand...
Dr. Phil on Anorexia, shame on him for mistreating her I just watched Dr. Phil on eating disorders after seeing a commercial about the episode today about a woman with anorexia. Never watching Dr. Phil or any talk shows for years and years I stumbled across that...