Hand Me Down
Money for my daughters college or a lawyer to sue
Case law that won’t protect social media’s debut
These were the choices I had, I had to go through
Copyright case with a celeb, keep quiet though
‘Cause the little guy is just a status quo
I prayed you would not dismiss it and let it go
Go up and they take you down
Spit you out, pass you around
Like an unwanted Hand me Down
Unwanted Hand me Down, Hand me Down
Facebook Whistleblower
It’s been on my mind for awhile about asking for anybody who knows anything to come out and help me, so I’m asking for a Facebook Whistleblower or a UMG Whistleblower or a Capitol Records Whistleblower. After seeing another whistle blower come forward from...Copyright Law and Infringement Protection
When this all started, when I discovered my song looked to have been copied, and started digging into copyright law and copyright infringement, I wanted to share with you guys…
Katy Perry’s song “Smile” vs Mine “Upgraded 2.0”
It’s not a coincidence that Smile copied 6 pieces of my song’s story, with same key lyrics 3 of the times and the rest of the 6 key parts taken from, just changing synonyms and rephrasing. That’s plagiarism!